
Bollinger Bands
An indicator that allows users to compare volatility and relative price levels over a period time. Since the band width is a function of standard deviation, assets with greater volatility will have wider bands. A move outside the band indicates that the trend is strong and likely to continue.
Bonds are issued by governments, companies and other entities and individuals in return for cash from lenders and investors. The borrower pays interest to the lender or investor through the life of the bond.
Bond Equivalent Yield
Bond yield calculated on an annual percentage rate method. Differs from annual effective yield.
Book Value
The net value of a company's assets, less its liabilities and the liquidation price of its preferred issues. The net asset value divided by the number of shares of common stock outstanding equals the book value per share, which may be higher or lower than the stock's market value.
Break-Even Point
Refers to the price at which a transaction produces neither a gain nor a loss.