
Golden Section
A line segment divided into two parts. The ratio of the short half to the long half is equal to the ratio of the long half to the whole. The ratio between the larger part and the whole is always 0.618.
Good till Canceled (GTC)
An order to buy or sell stock that is good until you execute or cancel it.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
For a region, the GDP is the market value of all the goods and services producted by labor and property located in the region, usually a country. It equals Gross National Product minus the net inflow of labor and property incomes from abroad.
Growth Investing
An investment approach that favors the stocks of rapidly expanding companies with a high rate of earnings growth. Often, these are the stocks of start-up ventures or newer firms that are just entering high-growth industries. Because of their growth potential, their stock price often reflects investor opinion of future growth prospects (rather than current earnings), resulting in a high price-to-earnings ratio. Growth investing is often contrasted with value investing.