20 години печелим заедно
This notification is part of the efforts of Bulbrokers EAD to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We hereby inform you that your personal data is available in our internal systems with respect to current or terminated contractual relationships. Your data is and will be stored within the legally prescribed terms for maintenance of clients' data for regulatory and accounting purposes. „Bulbrokers“ EAD is a data controller and in its capacity as such will not sell your data to third parties including for marketing purposes.
Security and privacy go along together. Its our belief that privacy regulations and rules should be easy to understand. Therefore we encourage you to get acquainted with our Privacy Policy which provides information on what personal data of yours we process with respect to our contractual relationships, the legal grounds for processing, third parties we are sharing it with and your rights pertaining to your personal data.
If you wish that your personal data is removed from our internal systems (except for the cases where a legal restriction is at place obliging us to store your personal data for regulatory and accounting purposes), please send us an e-mail to office@bulbrokers.com.
If you want to continue receiving e-mails from us related to our future ideas, products, services and other useful information aimed at improvement of the quality of service, please send an e-mail to consent@bulbrokers.com with text “I hereby confirm”.
In case you do not reply to this message within 1 month from its receipt we would not be able to continue notifying you of our future ideas, products, services and other type of useful information related to Bulbrokers EAD. Nonetheless we will continue storing and processing your personal data within the existing contractual and/or legal grounds thereof.
Your consent can be withdrawn at any time after its initial provision upon identification of the person that filed the withdrawal as per the agreed communication channels with Bulbrokers EAD.