
General FAQ

Why on the graphic the price has not reached the level, yet my position is closed?

Please take into consideration the buy and the sell price and which is the closing price for long and short position respectively. On the graphics you can see the Bid price, the lower price from the spread, which can be contusive when the respective position should be closed after the Ask price.

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I think the swap calculation was wrong? Is there any problem in the system?

No, there is no problem in the system and the swaps are correct. Do have in mind that from Wednesday to Thursday a triple swap is calculated in order to cover the weekend.

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How are the swaps calculated?

The swap is calculated in the base currency of the asset as follows:

For stocks: = (number of lots*number of stocks in the lot*interest rate for short/long position) / 360 days

For indexes: = (number of lots*number of indexes in the lot*interest rate for short/long position) / 360 days

For futures: = (number of lots*amount of the contract *price per a contract*interest rate for short/long position) / 360 days

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How is a currency swap calculated?

The currency swap is calculated in the secondary currency as follows:

Number of lots*Amount of the lot*Amount of a pip (0.0001 or 0.01 for yens)*swap number for the short/long position

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When trying to log in the account an “Invalid Account” appears, why?

Make sure you are correctly typing your password. Do have in mind that caps matter.

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When trying to log in the system “No connection” appears”, why?

Make sure you are correctly typing your Login, password and server (demo or real). The most probable reason is that the amount in your account does not cover the minimum of 6 currency units (euro, dollars, or Bulgarian lev according to your account currency). You need to deposit money in order to activate your account. In case you are sure you have enough money in your account, please contact us: +359 2 4893 680; +359 2 4893 715.

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I can not see all symbols/group of symbols in MT4. What to do?

In the Market Watch window right click on any one of the symbols. Select Symbols form the menu appeared. A new window opens, where you can choose which symbols/group of symbols to see or to hide, by clicking Show and Hide button.

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