Investment Opportunity – GOLD

Golden Opportunity with 30% profit!

9th of August 2011

The first nine months since we have launched our investment opportunities based on the price change of gold, have already expired. For the period 08/11/2010 – 09/08/2011 the gold appreciated by 25.03% reaching record levels. Those who trusted us and invested in Golden Opportunity are already receiving 30 % profit on yearly basis and those who chose Golden Standard 25.03%.

Source: Bloomberg

In times of uncertainty, gold continues to be safe haven for investors. However, its current price still remains below its 1980 record after adjusting for inflation, which is 2 400$ per ounce.

According to a survey, carried out by the World Gold Council for the 2nd Q of 2011 the central banks continue to be net buyers of gold and the total net purchases in 2011 already exceed the total amount of net purchase for the whole 2010. Recently, the Bank of Korea announced it had almost tripled its reserves by buying 25 tonnes in June and July, its first purchase of gold since the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. In past only month investors have bought more than 18 mln. ounces, more than in the last 6 months altogether.

* Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. The base currency is in USD, therefore changes in exchange rates may have an adverse effect on the value, price or income of the investments. The returns stated above are not based on full 12-month period, since the product has been launched since the end of 2010. Does not represent an advice to buy or sell financial instruments.